September Gifts

Loved this Dayspring card…Perfect!

Loved this Dayspring card…Perfect!

September is full of newness. New book bags, new clothes, new teachers, new friends and for some worn out Moms – new TIME alone!  OH, I loved my kids! But Moms need their time too. What we do with that time is what will make all the difference. Time is a gift –  I spent most of my  time picking up, putting away,  grocery shopping, cooking, driving kids around or helping at school… Stretched. However, one September I was invited  to join a Ladies Bible Study. GULP! There certainly was no halo above my brow and I joined for all the wrong reasons… My new friends had something I yearned for …Peace.  I didn’t even know what I was missing  … but I knew I needed what they had. They laughed a lot; were sincere; their kids were well disciplined; their homes were joyful; they didn’t complain, they didn’t put on airs and they told the Truth. I just wanted to be around them more… so I decided to go!  I wanted to be the best Mom ,wife and Homemaker I could…. like My Mom!  The sweet time I have invested in Bible Study prodded me to be a better Mom. There were days I knew I had failed miserably….And when the bottom fell out,  I knew WHO I could hold onto as well.  One could say “FLUFF” was birthed from love of HOME. Bible Study taught me to be more content; to appreciate what I had…. to do without and make the best of what I had. I learned to be thankful, I learned to pray…for my loved ones and about everything. I learned to value WHO valued me. That September Gift of Time …thirty some Septembers ago…was a love gift to me.  If someone asks YOU to do something new this September like go to a Bible Study…Oh Dear One!! Don’t cheat yourself!  It COULD make all the difference!